Monday, August 15, 2011

Big Questions - Time Machine

This is maybe my favorite big question yet. Thanks to my wife and Back to the Future for the inspiration.  Remember to answer honestly!

If you had a time machine that could go either back in time or into the future, but you could only choose one way, which would you choose and why?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Big Questions Part 2: E.T.

Here is our second time looking at big questions.  Remember I want you to take a minute to answer honestly to yourself and if you're brave in a comment.

Warning:  Today will make you think a bit outside of the box (well for some of you).

Question: If you found out today that aliens (extra terrestrials, outer space creatures, extras in Will Smith movies) truly existed, how would that affect your faith? 

I'm really looking forward to hearing your responses, feel free to take a few minutes or hours to think about it before throwing down a response.