Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6 Benefits to living in a small (nearly non-existant) town.

Hi everyone, it has been a while!  We are getting settled into our new home in Nebraska and so I thought I would share some of the highlights of moving to a small town.  Here they are...

1.  I can walk to work without sweating

2. I'm easily one of the coolest guys here (of slightly balding married 28 years olds with two kids who was born in Wisconsin).

3. We've already saved half a years salary by being 30 miles from the nearest Starbucks.

4.  People wave to you and it's not because they mistook you for someone else.

5.  There is zero guilt for not working out at the gym because there is no gym.

6.  I can finally buy a pair of denim overalls without being judged. (I won't, but I like the option.)

  Can you think of any I missed?